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For $500 and a middle finger at capitalism
The problem isn’t our name, it’s the assumption put onto the product because of it
We all want more money, probably. And we all want it fast, definitely. Sure it can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a less stressful lifestyle when you have enough of it. Undeniably, being comfortable leads to a certain level of contentment and ease. It’s not the be all and end all, but it’s pretty good to have. It makes sense that people want to know how to make money fast and often. Luckily, we’ve got plenty of tips for you since money is kind of our bag. Not only ours though, our Twitter community came through with a load of saving tips.
Raise your hand if you need some more money right about now. You didn’t raise your hand, but you related. Well done pretty much everyone for being honest.
Harder than it looks, right? If there’s one thing we know you love about Cleo, it’s her devastating roasts. Bunch of sadists. We’re always expanding Cleo’s vocabulary and thought who better to involve than you. You made roast happen after all.
We kick-started Random Acts of Relief a couple of weeks ago, and we’re ready to ramp things up. Before we do though, we thought we’d make sure we’re all up to speed. Let’s go.
Things are tough right now and turns out, pandemics don’t spare your finances. On a mission to help where we can, we made Random Acts of Relief. Long story short – Michael gifted some money to someone in need and left this truly iconic note alongside it. We did what anyone with an aching desire for words of affirmation right now would do and hit him up for MORE.
If you need some words of encouragement right now, you're in the right place.