February 18, 2021

Valentine’s is over

You can come back to social media now

Congrats to the one person this year who had a great Valentine’s Day (enjoy the $500, btw✌️)

For the rest of you: Congrats for making it full stop, you can come back now.

Instagram felt like a wedding fair, the only thing emptier than your schedule was your DMs, and even if you did land roses, you've got too many houseplants to fit them on the window ledge anyway.

But still, with pain comes art and all that – so for you, we went doom-scrolling this Valentine’s 🌹 Here it is. The good, the bad, and the probably-ended-in-ugly-cries of Social media x Valentines 2021.

Kicking it off, we have the second worst ghosting you can experience on February 14th. We’ve all been there. Sending love and non-bot snapchats (P.S. 20 seconds? C’mon. Make em wait a little next time)

It appears the supermarkets have also lost their god damn mind. But hey. We’re glad someone got to the pun before we had to make it.

RIP to this guy. Good luck teaching Spanish when you’re blocked, pal.

Ansar, you f*cking aced it. Like, 10/10. He knows self care is key, even on Valentine’s day. We love to see it.

Honestly, so did Miley. We don’t know what she did on the day exactly, but whatever it was, she was hyped about it (and amused, apparently).

That’s all for this year’s cupids and stupids. See you next time.

(please don’t have a ‘partner in crime’ by then)

(or spend money on a beef rose)

(Or ignore your spending)

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Am I Eligible For The Stimulus Relief Check?

Over the last several weeks, many of us were on edge – from wondering when and if we get access to relief funds to whether we’ll even have a job. Now that the U.S. government has rolled out the process and we’ve received more clarity on who qualifies for a stimulus check (and who doesn’t), some of us can breathe a sigh of relief.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Wise words from your wise women

We asked, you delivered – Here's a handful of your most influential women and their wise words, all in one place. *Bookmark and read thoroughly whenever you need some inspiration and/or to feel the power of women 💌

Monday, March 8, 2021
Seen enough?
Download Cleo
Screenshot of the chat screen and paycheck breakdown feature