The Blog

Boycott Black Friday

*Don't know who needs to read this, but you are in charge of your money.

July 18, 2023

How to Keep Your Bank Balance at a Non-Panic Inducing Level

You know what sucks? When you really want to buy that new jacket but your bank balance tells you it’s a bad idea. You know what sucks even more? When rent is around the corner and you’re not sure if your bank balance is even going to cut it this time around. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was just like, infinite money in there? We’d have to rework the whole capitalist society thing and our big unfortunately misplaced sense of purpose, but it’d probably be great in the end. The point is, life is better when you’re not worried about your bank balance. But how do you get your sh*t together enough to literally not have to think about it? With Cleo. Here’s how to keep your bills in check and maybe even manage a treat-yourself budget too. Tips incoming.

July 18, 2023

What's all this about budget?

Cleo’s got a new one. It’s here to save your ass (money) and prove that you don’t need to yawn when you hear the word.

July 18, 2023
Seen enough?
Download Cleo
Screenshot of the chat screen and paycheck breakdown feature