June 4, 2020

Your Random Acts of Relief messages

If you need some words of encouragement right now, you're in the right place.

Consider this today's personal pep-talk, read it 573 times or share it with a friend – here are some of the messages that people have left alongside their dollars with Random Acts of Relief.

Warning: tears possible, the good kind.

"If you're trying your best, i'm proud of you. Every storm passes, even if they feel eternal. It's ok to need help"


2020 just donkey butt. Stay strong. - Sam

Keep your crown held up high king/queen!!! We’ll get through this - Maximilian

"My bank account is usually negative so when I have a few extra all I want to do is help – it’s not much but I hope it makes you smile! ❤️"



Let me buy you lunch! - Mini

"Nothing is permanent, but all things are purposeful and divine. Keep going. Nothing is without reason."


You matter ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾 - Ari

We will all stand in the sun again soon. ❤️ - Krystal

We will get through this. Hugs!! - Sammi

"With an unprecedented amount of uncertainty and darkness comes an unprecedented amount of love and kindness. Believe in the good of the world and in your life. We will get through this, together. ❤️❤️❤️"


Hope this helps you out. Keep your head up, this is our chance to change the world  - Johnny

You've got this, Glen Coco! Big love <3 - Richard

Together, we can enact change. Your struggle is mine. Your health is mine. We are all connected. We are one. ❤🧡💜🌻💙💚💛 - K

Feeling (emotionally fragile,) inspired to help and have a spare $5 or so? Leave a gift.

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How to make money on Depop

...and not run out of wardrobe. Whether you're a sustainable fashion follower, a trend-setter, or just someone who loves a little bit of style, you've probably heard of Depop. And if you haven't, we're about to enlighten you on the modern way to buy, sell, and discover stylish clothing. Depop is like an Ebay for fashion, but with an interface like Instagram. It's a modern fashion marketplace app that makes it easy to connect both Depop sellers and buyers so that fashion is more accessible, inclusive, diverse, and less wasteful.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Getting twice as much out of half as many stand-ups

At Cleo, we're very much about iterating on our agile process and finding the right approach for each team. As we entered Q3 of 2020, we significantly changed the makeup of one of our teams. The team was operating on auto-pilot since the change and was continuing to follow the agile processes that the team had been following in Q2. We noticed that the cycle times were increasing rapidly not long after, which set off some alarm bells.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Seen enough?
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