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This week we spoke to Cleo queen Karis, who is patiently waiting for her time to shine.
I’m Karis, 23 years old and am currently working as a part-time care worker which I get about $1,000 for per month, however this is only temporary. I started around the peak of COVID-19 because there was demand for help. It’s been a big challenge, but so incredibly worthwhile. I love helping others and in September, I will be going into teacher training! My dream career.
I would say that my relationship with money at the moment is better than it used to be. If you could see me a couple of months ago, I really was all over the place. I was behind on loan payments, credit card bills and so on. I honestly thought I would never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now with some kind of miracle (and some savage messages from Cleo), when I start my training in September I should be able to see the back of my debts. My partner and I want to save for a house and the future in general, so my plan is to save a little more and spend a little less. I’m trying to be positive. My time to shine will come.
It wasn’t a manic Monday thankfully, I resisted the urge to spend but did receive a nice refund of £19.99 for a dress I’d previously bought, and realized I’d really never ever get to wear. Well not in the near future anyway. A great way to start the week. Fridge was looking pretty stocked so that covered my meals and 24/7 grazing.
Total spend: $0 for real...
My Tuesdays are normally quite hectic but some kinda force blesses me, I had a really good day. Of course, I had to treat myself (why not?) and spent $23 on a long overdue beauty treatment. No shame was held. And, on the money plus side, I did receive £5.62 from Paypal, bonus!
Total spend: $17.38
No bills came out mid-week, which is always a treat. I had to ask my dad to borrow $50 however as my bank account was looking pretty dire, and he was able to help which I am super super grateful for. I often hate asking others for help but when you’re in a tough financial situation, sometimes it seems like the only option.
Total spend: - $50
Ok so I’ve been doing uncharacteristically well up until this point. Here’s me getting exposed. I’m on a payment plan because I couldn’t pay to get my car fixed upfront. $248.89 came out for that and to be brutally honest, I felt like crying. I also spent $8.99 on Netflix (can call it a necessity) and then $20 on ASOS for my sister – It’s her birthday soon. Buuuut, I did receive $170.50 from my job. As I get paid weekly and I felt like I could breathe a little better. It was an okay day.
Total spend: £277.88 (ouch)
So a lot happened on this day. I received a payment of $45.60 from my tutoring job which is roughly what I earn weekly from that (I teach French, remotely). So I tucked that away. My Spotify payment of $9.99 also came out. I probably shouldn’t have spent $17.76 on Uber Eats but I wanted to treat myself and my partner. Find light where you can at the moment you know.
I went a little… hard… on this decor website and spent $11.70, which isn’t huge but probably avoidable. I also went to town that day with my sister and because it was painstakingly hot, I decided to buy us some fruit coolers for $5.86. Well needed. Amazon probably fell in love with me that day as I spent $27.85 on an anniversary gift for my partner and well, he is worth it. And finally, I also spent $29.00 on some picnic boxes which my partner and I will be eating next week for our anniversary. Ouch.
Total spend: £102.16
Balance queen.
Where you’re killing it
You know moderation. You’re giving yourself a few nice bits. And considering we’re in the midsts of a global pandemic, that’s pretty important if feasible. You’re selfless (congrats on stepping up to the job and taking care of others) and that comes back around for you it seems. Dad means that those overdraft charges can do one. You sent back a clothes order that didn’t turn out to be the one, which is commendable. We all know how easy it is to just… not.
Where you’re not killing it
That car payment seemed to hit you where it hurt, and in big. Your spending’s pretty good minus what we can call The Blunder, and you’re not scrimping on the self-love which is top tier important. You don’t seem to set up groceries for the week, which either means you’re pretty hungry, and often leads to last minute munching like takeout.
Why not set up a Savings Goal? You know you’re paying that hefty car fee back, so why not do it in bits. By transferring out $50 per week rather than the $200+/month you might find your money and means a little easier to understand day to day. You could also set up a custom budget for life oopsies. By factoring it into your spending, you’ve got all of the wiggle room in the world to, Idk, spill coffee and smash some glasses. Without feeling the wallet hit.
Also, you should probably go and type ‘hype me’ to Cleo. Cos you’re killing it.
We gave you custom categories. You gave us incredible content.
The ineffable cool that is Cleo Designer, Corinne Hitching, needs no introduction. Designers, or anyone who’s reading, please enjoy this exploration with one of our original Cleo designers.