July 31, 2020

How to budget with Cleo

It's easy.

You've probably seen, Cleo's just upped her budget game.

It was monthly, it's now weekly.

There are FREE custom categories that you can get creative with 🍿🍻☕️💐🌿.

You can take part in a budget battle against yourself each week. Winner gets pride AND a prize.

Here's how to get set up


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Salary negotiation in 3 easy steps

Salary negotiation can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding process, literally. After training a couple of work experience students at Cleo on this recently, I was reminded how daunting it can feel when you’re just starting out. So, here’s a handy guide to follow, whether this is your first, fourth or hundredth time!

Monday, August 2, 2021
Seen enough?
Download Cleo
Screenshot of the chat screen and paycheck breakdown feature