April 22, 2021

Cleo’s going green

And so is your bank balance

Ok, yes, we are obviously very blue. Blue blue. The kind of blue that burns your eyes if your phone's on more than 50% brightness. But we’ve got huge green energy (the kind that cares about the environment).

In honor of Earth Day (22 April), we’ve got a challenge for you and $3,000 is at stake.

Save the world with your spending.

Whether it’s fast food, fast fashion or the ironically named Amazon, Cleo will tell you exactly where you can have the most impact on the environment by cutting down.

Say ‘I’m going green’ to Cleo and she’ll give you your world-saving roadmap and a chance at $3,000.

Save the world

*Some other green things we enjoy which you can keep an eye out for throughout the month (when not too busy telling all your friends to compost ofc): money, the date 4.20 and mourning Billie Eilish’s front strands of hair.

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Building Credit

Understanding Your Credit Score: How Does this Junk Work Anyway?

Alright y'all, ready for some boring adult talk? No? Too bad, it’s important! On the real though, even though nobody really likes credit scores, we have to adhere to some unavoidable societal norms and everything and this is one of those very unavoidable ones. Understanding your credit score is by no means the easiest endeavour, but once you have a good handle on it, your financial life will be a lot easier. Today in the Cleo blog, we’ll break down how these scores work, what they’re used for, how they’re calculated, and how you can raise them. You ready to get this over with? Top off that coffee and let's do it to it.

Thursday, November 12, 2020
Seen enough?
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Screenshot of the chat screen and paycheck breakdown feature