The Blog

Ellen Penrose

Ellen Penrose

Brand Campaign Lead


How to start a side Hustle in 2020

As well as learning to cross-stitch ‘I Am bOrEd’ and developing a deep appreciation for literally anyone but our roommate, this pandemic has given us a chance to remember what we’re actually passionate about. With 49% of you in the US and 71% of you in the UK experiencing a drop in income last month, there's never been a better time to turn those things into a side hustle.


Michael will get you through a hangover

Things are tough right now and turns out, pandemics don’t spare your finances. On a mission to help where we can, we made Random Acts of Relief. Long story short – Michael gifted some money to someone in need and left this truly iconic note alongside it. We did what anyone with an aching desire for words of affirmation right now would do and hit him up for MORE.


We have a quiz that tells you your money mood

Know what's great in lockdown? QUIZZES. You probably know what Pizza you are, you definitely know what Disney character you are and if you're super on the whole 'I want to dissect my entire personality because I need to be told how I be' thing, you might've even found out your love language.


Post-lockdown money personalities... tag yourself

Lockdown changed us in many ways. Some of us run now, others live off of TikTok food hacks. One or two of us have vouched to never leave the house again. One thing that the pandemic will have changed in all of us though, is our spending. Here are the personality types we see coming out of the woodwork post-lockdown. Tag yourself.


Get you an app that does... it all

For months now, we’ve all been existing in this weird groundhog day themed pyjama party. If ever there was a time for some belligerently unrestricted self love, it’s now. With that in mind, we’re about to list all of the things that make Cleo special. Highly recommend doing the same for yourself.


Beware of your night-out spending

Sure, it's been a while since any of us have been on a night out that has stretched further than our own balconies, but old habits die hard. We're gonna be out again soon and just incase you've forgotten the grave financial risks that come with a piss-up, here are some of the traps you’ve walked into after a frozen margarita, or six.


Random Acts of Relief, the story so far

We kick-started Random Acts of Relief a couple of weeks ago, and we’re ready to ramp things up. Before we do though, we thought we’d make sure we’re all up to speed. Let’s go.


Has this whole ‘thing’ got us better at gift giving?

From baes to BFFs, we did some analysis.


How to save money fast

According to you. We all do it, that money saving thing, and some of us better than others. Last week we took to Twitter and Instagram and asked the age-old question, how DO you save money fast? The line between insanity and genius has been truly disrespected. These are great.


How to Budget, Fail,

And still feel good about your money.


Here's how to make $4,634.95 in 2 months

Ari Cagan made a video on dropshipping. Work from home gold.


I’m Sarah, 22, and on $52k as a graphic designer at a fashion company that I will not disclose

Today we're talking to Sarah, who is all of the above. Oh, and also steals her boyfriend's Baja blast after saying she doesn’t want a sip. A vibe.

Seen enough?
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