February 27, 2019
Life at Cleo

1 Million users and counting

To celebrate reaching 1,000,000 users we decided to clear someone’s overdraft. Here’s the moment John got all his debt wiped. Thanks to everyone who participated, everyone who came to meet us, and every single person now talking to Cleo across the UK, USA and Canada.

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Learning 10 Money Lessons the Hard Way

2020 has been A YEAR and it’s not even over (aside from the whole reset thing we did, thank God). But where there is struggle, there is often learning and we've learned a lot in the last few months.

Thursday, November 12, 2020
Life at Cleo

What would you do with $44 million? Asking for a friend

We just raised $44M in a Series B round led by EQT Ventures, a very decent group of people. They love companies with a mission to do good. But to be honest, what they were most impressed with, was you. A supportive community of roast lovers chatting to Cleo and helping us build something that makes an impact.

Thursday, December 10, 2020
Seen enough?
Download Cleo
Screenshot of the chat screen and paycheck breakdown feature